Médiévales de Crèvecœur

Médiévales de Crèvecœur

Quand ?

03/08/2025 - 10/08/2025    
Toute la journée

Où ?

Château de Crèvecœur-en-Auge
Vieux Château, Mézidon Vallée d'Auge
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Les Médiévales de Crèvecœur is a not-to-be-missed annual event held at the Château de Crèvecœur-en-Auge in Normandy. The event offers an authentic immersion into medieval life, with historical re-enactments, chivalry tournaments, craft workshops and various activities for all the family.

For 2025, the Médiévales will be held from August 3rd to 10th. The opening event will be marked by tournaments of chivalry on 3 and 4 August, presented by the Chevalerie Initiatique troupe.

On the agenda:

  • Tournaments of chivalry: The first few days are devoted to equestrian jousting, with knights facing off in spectacular battles.
  • Historical re-enactments: Throughout the week, enthusiasts bring the seigneury of Crèvecœur back to life as it was in the 15th century, with scenes from daily life, craft demonstrations and theatrical sketches.
  • Activities for children: There are fun and educational activities for the very young, allowing them to discover history in an interactive way.

For more information, click here!